What people have said about Promodellers weathering wash.
Model Aircraft Monthly, March 2008
''I am pleased to report that I am now a ‘Pro Modellers Weathering Wash’
convert! The effect was exactly what I had hoped for – subtle but
effective. Whereas I have seen some washes applied to some models that
are just a bit ‘too’ much and give the model a ‘Capo de Monte’ effect,
this wash is ‘just’ right.
After leaving the wash on overnight to dry, the next morning I
carefully removed the excess with a moistened damp, (not too wet),
kitchen roll tissue; the last few sweeps being in the direction of the
airflow, which left a very subtle, neutral dark grey, residue in all
the panel and control surfaces lines with just an ‘indication’ of
streaks flowing back from some of the panels.
I like my models to look ‘operational’, and the wash also seemed to
slightly ‘dirty-up’ the paintwork and somehow helped to tone down and
blend the colours in to one another in a very convincing scale effect.
I have to admit it worked better on the slightly deeper, more well
defined, panel lines on the Tamiya kit, (those on the Dragon/Italeri
kit being just that bit shallower), but overall, the ‘experiment’ was a
success and I shall use ‘Pro Modellers Weathering Wash’ on all my
models from now on!''
Neil Robinson
Group Editor,
SAM Publications
''just wanted to say i used your wash for the first time the other day and it really is great stuff! I've tried other products before like oils and the much talked about D******r, and yours is the only one i have been truely happy with. Being a brush painter, i usually have troubles when flat coating after a wash, but with yours i had no problems at all, so thanks alot''
'' It has to be the easiest way to make my modelling 100 times better. Thanks''
''Excellent Wash Phill, tried for years to do panel line, but never got it right. Thanks''
''best wash i've ever used and i'm a brush painter which means its pretty durable as well.''
''easy to use and takes a lot of the "oh cr*p I just covered my model in wash" guesswork out of the equation. GET SOME!''
''Absolutely love it. So much more forgiving than oils''
''Buy it you wont use anything else again.''
''It's fantastic stuff.''
''I have both the detailer and Phil's wash and i can say i certainly prefer using the promodellers stuff. The detailer seems to be catering for airbrush users only whilst imho the promodellers wash caters for all and is just, if not more so, as easy to use as the detailer.''
''Just wanted to say that I've got hold of your dark wash (Antics are now stocking it), and it really is fantastic. I for one, can't see me doing any more model making without it!''
''I'm very impressed and pleased with this product. Washes have always been a trouble area for me and this makes it soo easy!!''
''The stuff really is magic - Easy enough to use that even I can't stuff it up''
''Phil's wash is the best thing to happen to plastic modeling since plastic. Really good stuff though, seriously. I'd recommend it without reserevations''

Trent Voigt's and his excellent He219 with the Dark wash Jon from Worcester UK and his F-16 (Brush Painted WOW)
David's stunning 1/32 F-4J Phantom Jon from Worcester UK and his F-15E (again brush Painted WOW)
David in Vermont's Sea Fury